AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021  ACME CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE President Niccollai reported that the Union and the Company met yesterday virtually for the second negotiation at 10:00 A.M.  At this meeting, the Company presented the Union Committee with a list of counter-proposals, which included in part the following: 1. The Company is demanding co-pay for the Medical Plan, proposing that full-time members pay $125.00 per week for their health care and part-time members pay 9% of their gross income per week for their health care...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE - FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE  FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 Our A&P and Related Companies’ Bankruptcy Attorneys have informed us that a small payment may be forthcoming to former employees based upon claims for Paid Time Off (PTO).  You may be receiving a notice in the next few days recognizing your claim.  Please read carefully the following Questions and Answers scenario prepared by the Bankruptcy Attorneys, which is self-explanatory. UFCW Local 464A has no record of your payroll information.  Any questions should be directed to the...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI Based upon the Coronavirus Pandemic social gathering restrictions, and also in order to assure membership safety, the General Membership Meeting for Tuesday, December 15, 2020, will be held telephonically at 7:00 P.M.  Members who wish to participate should contact JoAnn Piscitelli at 973-256-6790 in order to verify membership and obtain access instructions for participating.  To hold the meeting telephonically, we must notify the Host Company as to the approximate number of participants.  We must, therefore, ask members...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI - 11-30-2020   In the last several days, your Union has received inquiries both telephonically and through our Delegates in the field concerning the ACME Supermarkets hazard pay issue. As we stated, a number of weeks ago grievances were filed against all Employers relating to the issue of hazard pay, including ACME. Because the Union was in negotiations with ShopRite, Stop & Shop, Foodtown and other Independent Employers, the issue of hazard pay became part of those negotiations and was resolved by your Local Union with...