KINGS CONTRACT UPDATE President Niccollai reported today that unfortunately the Rumor Mill has been running rampant concerning the status of our Kings Contract.  Please pay no attention to the Rumor Mill.  There was no contract extension for a year. Your Union has taken the position that Kings commenced Contract Negotiations as part of an Industry Group and since they dropped out of the group because of the bankruptcy, it has been our intent to deliver the outstanding Industry Contract to our Kings Brothers and Sisters.  The Company is reluctant to provide us with the Industry...
  COVID-19 UPDATE   A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE VACCINE TUNNEL FOR FOOD WORKERS!     President Niccollai reported today that as you know from prior postings, your Union has been unwavering in our attempt to achieve recognition of “our Essential Worker status” for receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.  Well, we can finally report success on that issue.   We received a message this morning from our International Union that the Office of the Governor of the State of New Jersey announced as of March 29, 2021 food workers in New Jersey will be eligible as a class...
TELEPHONIC MARCH 9, 2021 MEMBERSHIP MEETING Based upon the Coronavirus Pandemic social gathering restrictions, and also in order to assure membership safety, the General Membership Meeting for Tuesday, March 9, 2021 will be held telephonically at 7:00 P.M.  Members who wish to participate should contact JoAnn Piscitelli at 973-256-6790 in order to verify membership and obtain access instructions for participating.  To hold the meeting telephonically, we must notify the Host Company as to the approximate number of participants.  We must, therefore, ask members who would like to...
COVID-19 UPDATE   STOP THE HESITATION AND EXPEDITE THE VACCINATION!   UFCW Locals 1262 and 464A have been working nonstop to get our members access to the COVID-19 vaccine.  To date, we have contacted numerous elected officials, including the Governors of New Jersey and New York, our State Senators and, through our International, members of the Biden Administration.  We have also had detailed dialogue with the heads of the State Federations of Labor.  In all candor, everyone we have spoken with has the highest admiration and praise for all of our Brothers and...