that he along with our bankruptcy attorneys and the other four Local Unions holding contracts with Kings supermarkets have been working tirelessly together every day searching for the best solution to a most difficult problem. The paramount issue that weighs heavily on my mind is the fact that we are dealing collectively with the livelihood of 2,000 of our brothers and sisters at a time of massive unemployment. We have to measure that against a proposal that completely guts our contract and takes away our respectability by; 1. Eliminating our excellent Pension Plan. 2. Taking away our...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE President Niccollai reported today that the third negotiating session was held involving ShopRite, Stop & Shop and Foodtown via Zoom at 10:30 this morning.  Kings failed to participate in the meeting.  We have previously sent them emails and letters concerning their non-participation, as well as citing those facts in the bankruptcy discussions with the Company and our Attorneys. As anticipated, the Companies presented a list of counter-proposals, with the most...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 KINGS BANKRUPTCY UPDATE  President Niccollai reported that as recently as today, all Local Unions holding Kings Supermarket contracts have been in joint discussions with the Company and TLI (the prospective purchaser) regarding the bankruptcy filing and the sale of the Supermarket Chain. The same issues relating to the rejection of the Union Contract and withdrawal from the Pension and Medical Plans still remain unresolved. Our Bankruptcy Attorneys are preparing to present arguments before the Court on...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 KINGS BANKRUPTCY UPDATE President Niccollai reported today that Kings posted another propaganda video designed to paint the Company as the best friend of all workers in their employ.  The problem with the presentation is that it is being painted with a broad brush as one size fits all, and it is not truthful or accurate.  There are several facts we must address to set the record straight as follows: 1.        UFCW Local 464A has no unfunded pension liability. Therefore...