One thing we can all be sure of is that neither President Donald Trump nor Vice President Joe Biden will take full responsibility for supporting you and your family – that’s our obligation. So then what are the things that matter about the candidate we support from a Union point of view, based upon economics and a better lifestyle? First, no one likes to be told which candidate they must vote for, and this article will not do that. Second, we also will not deal with personalities and will not insult the integrity of either candidate. Speaking from an economic point of view, we should evaluate...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2020 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE President Niccollai reported today that the fourth negotiating session was held involving ShopRite, Stop & Shop and Foodtown via Zoom this morning.  Kings again failed to participate in the meeting, and it appears that we will be negotiating with whoever is the successful bidder through the Bankruptcy Court.     President Niccollai spent approximately two hours with an in-depth discussion of our proposals.  The Companies responded with their position as...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2020 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE President Niccollai reported today that the fourth negotiating session was held involving ShopRite, Stop & Shop, and Foodtown via Zoom this morning.  Kings again failed to participate in the meeting, and it appears that we will be negotiating with whoever is the successful bidder through the Bankruptcy Court.     President Niccollai spent approximately two hours with an in-depth discussion of our proposals.  The Companies responded with their position as...
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT JOHN T. NICCOLLAI MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 NATIONAL PENSION FUND VOTE President Niccollai reported today on the results of the return Ballots from both ACME and Finast Long Island full-time members, which would modify the National Pension Plan through an infusion of $1.84 billion allowing continued operation well into the future. The final tally of the votes was as follows: ACME    -                         137  Yes Votes            ...