During the course of the pandemic and accompanying labor shortages, your Union has been involved in negotiations that would lead to wage increases for mainly entry-level employees. Obviously, your Union is in favor of seeing the earnings of members increase and we will continue to be most accommodating in allowing this to occur.
TELEPHONIC JUNE 14, 2022 MEMBERSHIP MEETING -  The General Membership Meeting for TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2022 will be held telephonically at 7:00 P.M.  Members who wish to participate should contact JoAnn Piscitelli at 973-256-6790 to verify membership and obtain access instructions for participating. To hold the meeting telephonically, we must notify the Host Company as to the approximate number of participants. We must, therefore, ask members who would like to participate to contact JoAnn Piscitelli.    
May 26, 2022 The Honorable Phil Murphy Governor, State of New Jersey 225 W. State Street Trenton, NJ 08625 RE:      OPEN LETTER ON TEMPORARY ABATEMENT OF NEW JERSEY STATE GAS TAX Dear Governor Murphy: As you know, the ever-escalating cost of gasoline is now forcing working people to choose between putting food on the family table or putting fuel in their vehicles. Unfortunately, our members in the Supermarket Industry do not have the option of working from home.  They must get to their store every day. We should also be aware that we are moving into the...
ACME-KINGS PAYROLL PROBLEMS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!     Your Union has been in a continuing battle with both ACME and Kings concerning the inability on the part of the Companies to pay members their proper rates and appropriate entitlements.  This situation must come to an end and, apparently, our demands to date have not moved the Companies to correct the problems.   Effective immediately, it is now our intent to file arbitrations against both ACME and Kings in order to make our Brothers and Sisters whole concerning the monies due and owing.  We are interested in...